Up Thunder In The Valley - Columbus, GA - March 16, 2008 Prev Next Slideshow

There are several techniques for getting a shot like this, here's what works for me: Keep both eyes open, pan the camera on one plane in the viewfinder and watch for the other plane with your other eye... this will give you just enough warning when it is about to enter the field of view.

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DSC_6790a.jpg - There are several techniques for getting a shot like this, here's what works for me:  Keep both eyes open, pan the camera on one plane in the viewfinder and watch for the other plane with your other eye... this will give you just enough warning when it is about to enter the field of view.

Date: 3/16/08 2:23 PM | Resolution: 3872 x 2592 | ISO: 200 | Exp. Time: 1/2000s | Aperture: 5.6 | Focal Length: 195.0mm

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