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This is a Brown Widow spider, Latrodectus geometricus, that I found inside our mailbox. I moved her to a large jar with the intention of taking some photos of her, but things got busy with Sieren's surgery and I forgot about her when we went to Atlanta. When we got back I was sure she had starved to death but instead I found that she had made a home in the jar and had even constructed an egg case. I carefully transferred her to a more photogenic location (a ten gallon aquarium) and ran down to the bait shop for some crickets for her to snack on while guarding her babies. Since this photo was taken she has made a second egg case. Still waiting for them to hatch... various sources on the web say it should be about two or three more weeks.

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DSC_9746a.jpg - This is a Brown Widow spider,  Latrodectus geometricus,  that I found inside our mailbox.  I moved her to a large jar with the intention of taking some photos of her, but things got busy with Sieren's surgery and I forgot about her when we went to Atlanta.  When we got back I was sure she had starved to death but instead I found that she had made a home in the jar and had even constructed an egg case.  I carefully transferred her to a more photogenic location (a ten gallon aquarium) and ran down to the bait shop for some crickets for her to snack on while guarding her babies.  Since this photo was taken she has made a second egg case.  Still waiting for them to hatch... various sources on the web say it should be about two or three more weeks.

Camera: NIKON D80 | Date: 11/4/08 3:25 PM | Resolution: 3032 x 2568 | ISO: 200 | Exp. Time: 0.33333334s | Aperture: 32.0 | Focal Length: 300.0mm (=457mm)

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